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Anchorage Military Surplus

Anchorage Military Surplus - SuperPagesSM helps you find the right local business to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a range of choices to meet your search criteria. These factors are similar to the ones you would use when deciding which business to choose from your local SuperPages directory, including proximity to the location you're looking for, your experience with the services or products offered, and comprehensive business information to help you evaluate suitability.

business for you. SuperPages advertisers will rank higher in the default order of search results and may appear in sponsored listings at the top, side or bottom of the search results page. Under new ownership, Big Ray continued to invest in Alaska and grow with the mining, oil, construction and fishing industries.

Anchorage Military Surplus

Dvids - Images - Jlots Brings Huge Military Ship To Port Of Anchorage [Image 2 Of 2]Source:

Between the Anchorage and Fairbanks stores, Big Ray's can boast of selling more Carhartts per capita than any other dealer in the world! Big Ray's success stems from listening to our customers and putting Alaska workers in quality brands.

As Alaska grew, so did Big Ray. Between 2007 and 2010, Big Ray's opened second locations in Anchorage and Fairbanks and acquired Mack's Sporting Goods Store in Kodiak. In 2015, all stores began operating under the Big Ray name.

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We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, administer the website, track users' movements around the website, and gather demographic information about our overall user base. Specifically, we use a third-party log analytics program called Urchin, which uses log files to track this non-personally identifiable visitor information.

We do not link this automatically collected information to personally identifiable information. YP - Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local business to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a range of choices to meet your search criteria.

These factors are similar to the ones you'd use when deciding which business to choose from your local Yellow Pages directory, including proximity to the location you're looking for, expertise in the services or products you need, and comprehensive business information to help you evaluate a business's suitability.

Elmendorf Air Force Base (Afb) In Anchorage, Alaska | Military BasesSource:

. Those with "Sign Up" listings or prominent website buttons will designate YP advertisers who provide information about their businesses to help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions. YP advertisers are given a higher position in the default order of search results and may appear in sponsored listings at the top, side or bottom of the search results page.® will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties and will not share your personally identifiable information with third parties except in the limited circumstances described below, or with your express consent.

The story of the Great Ray begins in the 1940s when World War II made its way to Alaska, a US territory known for its abundant natural resources. A combination of war and other opportunities brought an influx of soldiers, builders, prospectors, and money to the north.

Instagram | Northern Wings Cafe (Butterfly Confetti Cakes) 750 W Dimond  Blvd #113 Dimond And Arctic 907-764-8266Source:

After the war, soldiers Glenn Miller and Howard Kruver realized the potential of the booming business, and outfitted Alaskans with military surplus cold-weather gear, including boots, pants, and parkas. The two entrepreneurs opened Big Ray's in 1947 in downtown Anchorage, then known as the Army Navy Store, and in 1947 in Fairbanks.

After Howard's death in the mid-1950s, Dick Kruver took over his late brother's position at the company. The partners ran the business until 1988, when they sold the business to their sons, Mike Miller, Mark Kruver, and friend and employee Monty Rostad.

We use the information you provide when you register for our membership or affiliate program to complete your registration for our membership or affiliate program and to offer you the services for which you have registered or otherwise requested or contracted.

Military Surplus — Grubstake Auction Co.Source:, Cyweb Holdings, Inc. 70 Middle Neck Rd., Suite 5 Great Neck, NY 11021 USA Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice that explains our online information practices and your choices about how your information is collected and used.

To make this statement easy to find, we make it available on our home page and at all points on our website where personally identifiable information may be requested. Army Navy Store is your online Army Navy store.

We have lived in New Jersey since 1985. We've been online since 1998, so we know the thrift store business! From military fatigues to flight jackets to BDUs, we have a great selection of military, camping, survival, law enforcement and more.

907 Surplus (@907Surplusak) / TwitterSource:

Our selection is huge, our customer service is second to none and our prices are competitive! Shop with confidence at Army Navy! As with most websites, we collect certain information automatically and store it in log files.

This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and click data. 2016 marks 69 years as a local dealer with expertise in what equipment works in Alaska's harsh conditions.

Big Ray's work for Alaska through statehood, the Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964, the discovery of Arctic oil on the Kenai Peninsula and Prudhoe Bay, and the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Big Ray's is committed to supplying Alaskans throughout the state.

We are Classic Alaska. Play It Again Sport is a neighborhood sporting goods store that offers new sporting goods. Kids grow like weeds, young adults want everything brand name, and you want the low price! That's why PIAS is a store for the whole family.

DROP ORDER SAVINGS If you're looking to buy in bulk, we can offer you significant savings on top of our already low prices. For orders of $1,000.00 or more, call us to find out how much you can save!

Some restrictions apply., Cyweb Holdings, Inc. 70 Middle Neck Rd., Suite 5 Great Neck, NY 11021 USA

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